Hey girl, hey!! We podcasted 🔴LIVE on Instagram!!!!

On this episode, I am recapping my amazing experience at BLOOM @thehouseon1905 this past Saturday, Jan 23rd.

BLOOM is an women’s inner healing ministry that is founded within The House at 1905 (coed ministry/bible study).


This time together is truly for all of us girls as we lay before God our Father and believe in Him for healing and peace to carry on and FLOURISH.

Flourish in Hebrew means to “to revive, blossom; to sprout; shoot; become apparent, break out.”

And as we encounter Jesus at this event we are also embracing the difficulties of our own growth.

We are fighting through the ground of dirt and mess that has been covered up for far too long!!! #revive

God plants us.
God waters us.
We receive and we FLOURISH.


Listen on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, Buzzsprout, iheart radio, or the She Believed He Could website [podcast].

website: http://www.shebelievedhecould.org
email: [email protected]
instagram: http://www.shebelievedhecould.org

Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SBHC)