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Salaam Aleikum, Bismillah Rahman nirRahim,

Weclome to another Sufi podcast. My name is ibrahim and my post is that of Shaykh, or spiritual guide. This is being recorded during the Time of Isolation: Allah’s Stop, Look and Listen signpost. 

For many of us, this is a difficult time. It seems like things have gone haywire, off the rails. But from the Divine’s point of view: What a brilliant way to stop pollution, climate catastrophe and runaway greed. And this is not achieved by exterior force or warlords. This halt to all outer activity is accomplished by something so small you need a microscope to see it. As of this time, there is no vaccine or cure. Thousands are dying, millions are sick. We must seek communication through technology- online and phone or wave from a distance.

For those of us who work alone like artists, composers, writers, musicians, there is nothing odd or disruptive about this time. As a matter of fact, it is conducive to catching up on practicing and completing long-term projects.

For those of us who go out, collaborate, network and congregate, it is shocking and exceedingly disruptive. We are forced to stop and perhaps take the time to look a little more inward and take stock of the path we have chosen, whether it is working - or not - and reflect on what we have learned so far and where we want to go from here.

This is an excellent time for us to reflect on our choices, and whether we acted appropriately- and if not, then to apologize to those we may have hurt or abused.

Other things to look at: How can I improve my relationships? What am I learning right now? What do I need to learn? How can I connect action and intention? 

I am reminded by the power of this virus of a story about King Nimrud. 

“It is narrated that Allah (the Exalted) sent an angel to Nimrud, ordering him to believe in Allah, but he refused. The angel called him to believe a second time, and he refused again; then a third time, and still he refused.

The angel said, “Gather your armies and I will gather mine.” Nimrud gathered his army together at the time of sunrise, and Allah sent to him mosquitoes, so many in number, that the people of the army could not even see the sun. Then Allah gave power to the mosquitoes over them: they ate their flesh and blood, leaving them as decomposed bones. One of those mosquitoes entered into the nostrils of the king (Nimrud). Allah punished him by it, and he was in so much pain that he would continually hit his head against objects (hoping to make the mosquito exit or simply because of sheer madness that resulted from the pain) until he finally died.”

What gets me about this story, and like today, is that it is the smallest thing that somehow wields the most power. In my view, that is so Allah- busting expectations and making you humble and astonished at the power inherent and compelling when it comes from the Source.

Remember, this is just the beginning. We may need to do this for a couple more weeks, so put on your adult pants. Be patient, compassionate, positive when you can. Listen to others more than you speak. Find your inn

Salaam Alaykum, murids, seekers, curious and interested listeners,

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