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There is thinking with the head, with the heart, and the combination of both. Thinking with your head means that, when the cultural and familial paradigms are subtracted, one is able to analyse deductively, inductively and reflect on past experiences and apply the knowledge gained from those experiences . 

To think with your heart means to engage a spiritual connection. One of the purposes of this path is learning how to return to that place where truths are revealed, perhaps through study and reflection. In Sufism we call this Haqq-al-yaqin- knowledge that comes directly to and through the heart.

When the head and the heart begin to work together, this is the beginning of wisdom. This requires being completely present and not distracted (as much) by the nafs; habits and attachments to the world, yourself, or others.

This cannot be completed on your own. Asking for help means you are ready to travel the rest of the way. 

Salaam Alaykum, murids, seekers, curious and interested listeners,

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