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Live discussion from 13 February, 2022 on Zoom.

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Hafiz, from 14th Century Persia, inspired Goethe, then Emerson, throuh to Nietszche, on to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 
He continues to inspire us with his phenomenal voice singing like this:
     All is written within the mind
     To help and instruct the dervish
     In dance and romance and prayer.

The Secret of Secrets, written by Abdul Qadir al Jilani, is one of our order's main texts of instruction.

And of course, the Mulla Nasruddin, the Wise Fool, teaches deep lessons through comedy, showing us our faults and abusrdities.

If you have questions regarding Sufi teachings, please email me and I'll try and respond in a sohbet or email: [email protected]

Salaam Alaykum, murids, seekers, curious and interested listeners,

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