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Expectation and Positivity

By shaykh ibrahim ansari

A Sufi is always looking for the source of things. So if we are going to talk about expectation, we start with the word: Expectation: from the Latin:  An expectation is a belief about what might happen in the future, like your expectation to stay close with your best friends your whole life.

The word expectation comes from the Latin word expectationem, meaning "an awaiting."

As our spiritual guide, Murshid Taner says, There is only now. Our on -board computer, the brain, has only information that was put there through experiences, family and teachers. The heart is the nexus of where the Present and Love meet.

Of course there are things that must be done in the material world. People and jobs await your completion, preferably on time and under budget. Time, in this sense, is a consensus between human cultures. Not all cultures see time the same. Some languages have no word for ‘tomorrow’. And some have a dozen for snow.

Because this world is made of people at every possible level of awareness, there is a kind of mob mentality, That means the general sea of emotions we live in is polluted with fear, anger, regrets and stress. That’s pretty much the default setting for most people we meet. 

Often we are around people anxious to please, afraid of being found out (for many possible reasons), and nervous that they are not getting ‘it’ right.

Now, the opposite track will be one that is positive, hopeful, centred, grounded and balanced.

Those people who have not started examining themselves emotionally, spiritually, or thrown out all moral direction, will feel generally, disconnected.

That disconnection leads to depression, self-medication with alcohol and drugs, and a build-up of anxiety, stress, frustration and confusion. When we understand that this is actually a form of teaching, then it becomes a little clearer why we do this to ourselves. The teaching inherent in becoming lost and depressed is so that we can find the path that takes us away from that sea of despair.

It takes effort to fight the tide of Eeyorism, the sad, victim-centric thinking. We have, in our Sufi Tariqa, set ourselves to expressly work towards positivity by keeping that Love and Compassion is behind everything. We don’t always see the ends of the strands, but we know we are part of a great weaving of beauty and intelligence.

Yes, this effort to fight against the ongoing riptide of cynicism, conspiracies, negativity is hard. But the more you work at it, the easier it gets. It also helps to surround yourself with others of like hearts and minds. 

And here is where it gets fun: finding out what nourishes and replenishes your joy and heart. It may have changed over the years, it may be resurrecting old and forgotten simples pleasures like walking on the beach, sitting under a tree, singing or listening to your favourite music or song. Could even be a book or movie. Or being around and appreciating your favourite person or place.

Be aware of the cesspit of despair and fear. They may be instigated by others, or old worries may surface. That does not make you a bad person. It is how you deal with these things that defines you. There is

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