Ascension Wisdom: Does your self-identity match your soul frequency?  

For us to be able to have a clear perception of this physical reality we live in, we use a way of identification, which distinguishes one thing from another. It allows us to recognize sameness as well as differences and is designed to be beneficial.  

However, when it comes to our personal identity, it is formed in our early years by the way others address us and treat us, not by who we really are.  

The journey home to our authentic soul connected self, involves facing that identity and bringing it into alignment with our individual vibrational signature.  

Humanity is facing the greatest identity crisis it will ever need to face and as always that starts with us.  

Every week Yvonne and Souvereign talk about Self, Soul, navigating this old world, and where the bridge into the New Earth is found.    

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*To Follow Yvonne:* 

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