What questions would you ask Santos Bonacci that you want answers to!??

Comment below!!!


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About Santos

For over 30 years, Santos has been studying the ancient works, researching, compiling and translating the texts to produce an easier to understand compendium of AstroTheology.

This information has been brought together in a network of media platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and The Universal Truth School Website, where Santos' Syncretic music and products are also available.

Living on the East Coast of Australia, Santos regularly presents seminars and webinars and also has presented lectures and workshops in various countries around the world.

Syncretism shows how all the Ancient Legendary Stories, Myths, Bibles, Fairy Tales etc, all have one simple common origin. In all of these wonderful ancient classics, the Personae are always the same, under different names.

more information here: https://universaltruthschool.com/

Questions and discussion will include:

What was a catalyst for your Syncretism journey?

What's your number 1 secret for your personal practice and personal life?

How does anyone distinguish the truth in our current corrupt climate?

What's your message to the world right now!?

#ascension #growth #alive #torus #universe #energy #health #vitality