Join Shay and Richard in this conversation to unpack the secrets of ancient technology, explore the depths of human potential and how we can optimize our human experience for ultimate personal growth.
Richards's approach to coaching has evolved a lot (as is always the way with anyone serious about their craft). Some tools dropped, and some tools have been added in. Coaching is always custom-made to the client, but there are common threads…

He says "I find all of my clients become happier when their physical and psychological foundations are strong. I always help clients build holistic health through excellent nutrition, exercise, cleansing, effective sleep, biohacking and others. Then looking at removing vices like porn, masturbation, drinking, addictive use of technology, bad use of recreational drugs and so on. Almost all clients learn how to identify narcissistic relationships, putting boundaries in place and heal from narcissistic abuse. I also help clients build their mind with robust psychological principles like solid accountability, goal setting, hypnosis and various excellent tools from Western positive psychology. We also work on lifestyle design and income generation."|
Learn more from Richard here:
Learn more from Shay here: