The War for the Tower (A TRAPP Society Special Project)


Friends, welcome back, and thanks for listening to this very special episode. We'll have more Talon and our fresh new superheroes next week, but for this week I wanted to share something I've been working on that I'm really excited about.

It's an actual play pod set in the world of Stephen King's Dark Tower. It features tons of other actual play podcasters (as well as some rad new arrivals as well as voice actors) and it's gonna be great. If you like this show, you're bound to love The War for the Tower.

Our first five or so episodes are gonna be character creation and backstory episodes. Before we drop the first full group episode, we should have a website and Twitter and Patreon and all that stuff, but until then we'll be sharing these early eps on our own podcast feeds. 


[a couple spoilers for the book series right here]


This first Backstories episode features Chase Greenlee, GM of Another Path, an awesome actual-play podcast. He's playing a young gunslinger, trained by Roland and one of only two survivors of the battle of Jericho Hill. He finds himself helping out a small town of kids, and gets in over his head.


[spoilers done]


This is the first of several Backstories episodes, and they're all great. If you'd like to help us make more of these, and especially to help us add music, spend more time editing, to create art for the facebook page, or all that other stuff that makes actual play pods so much fun, please consider donating to our Patreon. It's not up just yet, but it will be very soon. Until then you can help us out in a myriad of ways. Email us at:

[email protected]


Help us make the best show we possibly can make, and make something that you can feel proud to have been a part of. Together, we can save the multiverse!


PS The system we're using to play this game is called Space Kings. It's a super robust, fast, exciting, and easy to play game created by the awesomely cool and funny Kevin Cole of the podcast Pretend Friends. Find him on twitter: @RealKevinCole


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