This one's exciting! If you've been itching to give us your hard-earned money, now's your chance! We're finally taking contributions on Patreon and that means we have to make some stuff you'll want to listen to! This here is the second half of our fun hang in which we talked about the show itself for thirty minutes or so and then we played Jayme's rad rules light game, R'lyehwatch! It's Lovecraftian horror meets Baywatch and it is a hoot! If you like the vibe of this thing, sign up for our Patreon and let's make this a show everyone and their grandmother will love! (As long as they don't mind cursing and potty humor, of course)


In this one:


Jeff Richardson as Willow

Kristy Ellen as Emma

Sako Tumi as Pamela


Jayme Antrim as the Referee!


Get involved! Contact us:

 By email: [email protected]

 or Twitter: @EIAPodcast


Get your name on the show! Use the hashtag #swearpig when you tweet about us and we'll name a character after you!


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