Show notes originally posted by Nevik In our 84th episode, we are back to our more regular routine – unfortunately without Jen

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In our 84th episode, we are back to our more regular routine – unfortunately without Jen – and after an interesting pre-show we get down to business and talk about what we’ve been up to: Nevik is still undecided on what to roll for the D2 ladder reset, Breja is recovering from his triple RIP, and Lanntonio continues to work on his barbarian.

In this episode:

* We read and respond to emails from Funktropus and LotusGH, as well as an audio from Rilandune. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode. Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to [email protected]!

* We received a bunch of tweets (as you might) from @Kherova (19 tweets!), @Tatt00ed76, @celtherapy, @EYedgar0111, @sastewart111, @Rilandune, @Torrack1714, @HomeTownHero008, @scanline75, @shawno, and our own @QueenofHaiku. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* With season 3 in full swing we posed a question on Twitter asking what your unicorn is this season. Be sure to follow the show on Twitter to participate in future Questions of the Show.

* We talk a bit more in detail about UI mods (more inline with World of Warcraft’s add-ons) and whether or not the game needs them, or would benefit from them. Obviously there is always room for improvement, but how do you feel? Let us know by sending your thoughts to [email protected].

* WE NEED YOUR HELP! Your participation can ensure that this fun segment makes an appearance every show. Send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to [email protected].

Links for you to Visit:

* For Diablo III’s 3rd anniversary Kierpanda of created another Diablo-themed culinary dish, Greater Rift Keys. They look absolutely delicious!

* Another week, another new record 4 player Greater Rift clear. This time ZeroEmpathy managed to clear a GR71. Madness. Absolute madness.

* If you haven’t been fortunate enough to have a well-rolled In-Geom and are looking to Dashing Strike all over the place all the time, be sure to check out Nastuma Z’s video guide of BigFluff’s Fiery Dash Monk.

* If you’re planning on jumping in to the new Diablo II ladder reset and haven’t played in a long time – or at all – there’s a fantastic forum thread highlighting 54 things you might need to know about D2.

Other Entertainment/Games:

* Just remember folks, if you’re using literally in a sentence, it better actually be factually accurate.

* Breja highly recommends the board game, Betrayal at House on the Hill. It sounds like a lot of fun.

* Will Lost Ark Online live up to its debut trailer? It certainly looks gorgeous and fun to play, but only time will tell how it all pans out. Until then, salivate over this …

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to [email protected].

Show Links:

Email the showNevikJen, or Breja
Twitters: ShowNevikJenLanntonio and Breja
Check out the show’s Facebook fan page

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