Show notes originally posted by Nevik In our 77th episode, we are back up to full strength … in numbers. After discussing

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In our 77th episode, we are back up to full strength … in numbers. After discussing all of the pharmaceuticals we all are on we get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to: Breja has been here, there, and everywhere, Jen has been slowly leveling their seasonal hardcore Demon Hunter, Lanntonio managed to slip some puking in, in between games of Hearthstone, and Nevik continues to pursue the perfect greater rift to climb the leaderboards.

In this episode:

* We received a pair of emails from listener Adam! We love to hear stories of triumph or tragedy from our listeners, so send in yours to [email protected]!

* We received a metric ton of tweets from @Kagerai_Leblue, @TheMarkShelton, @Kherova, @EvilPlanetCrew, @sastewart0111, @HomeTownHero008, @GrandNagus1, @LeniSirz, @CruentusRelic, @Daddy_Puffin, and @Shephard_Sieja. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* We posed the question on Twitter asking what you are most excited for coming in Patch 2.2.  Be sure to follow our show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.

* With Patch 2.2 hitting the PTR we naturally talked about a few of the new features that has us excited. For the juicy details on what Patch 2.2 contains be sure to check out the patch notes.

* Hot on the heels of Patch 2.2 PTR, game designer John Yang informed us on Twitter that the old Chocolate class sets would be receiving a 7th item to help add some flexibility in gearing for their set bonuses.

* Microtransactions are coming, but not for the NA/EU regions. We share our thoughts and opinions on this development and they may or may not surprise you! What are your thoughts and opinions on microtransactions in Diablo III? Send an email to [email protected] and let us know!

* It is with heavy hearts that we regret to inform you that we did not produce an Official Forum Thread Masterpiece theater (again) for this episode. Not to pull a guilt trip, but YOU have the power to not let this happen again! Your participation can ensure that this fun segment makes an appearance every show. Send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to [email protected].

Links for you to Visit:

* Holy Hermit is back with of YouTube videos. Be sure to check out his Top 10 Things to do in Season 2 and episode 6 of his Diablo podcast!

* Have an ancient weapon drop? Not sure what to reroll on it? Twitch streamer Quin C has you covered with a handy spreadsheet and corresponding video explaining how to use the spreadsheet.

* If you’re looking for even more impressions from the Patch 2.2 PTR be sure to check out Rhykker’s video highlighting his initial impressions.

* Jen had a lot of fun with her pet barbarian during season 1 and with the changes coming to the Immortal Kings set in patch 2.2 it will be viable for high level greater rifts. Check out Meathead Mikhail’s video showing just how viable it will be at GR40+.

* Finally we leave you with some Vizjerei Clan shenanigans from the Patch 2.2 PTR. (Note: the frame rate performance issues highlighted in this video were addressed in a small patch deployed to the PTR late last week)

Song of the Show:

Unfortunately Nevik has been devoting almost every waking moment to grinding away in Season Two and forgot to find something to treat your ears to. Fret not! Our next episode will almost assuredly (for really reals this time!) have a musical selection at the end of the show. Until then, enjoy some sweet chords by guitarist Jonas Lefvert.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to [email protected].

Show Links:

Email the showNevikJen, or Breja
Twitters: ShowNevikJenLanntonio and Breja
Check out the show’s Facebook fan page

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