Show notes originally posted by Nevik In this episode, we celebrate getting back into the “recording studio” and ‘Murica’s burfday! After some cleaning

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In this episode, we celebrate getting back into the “recording studio” and ‘Murica’s burfday! After some cleaning up some podcasting cobwebs we get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Breja is DETERMINED to get a hardcore level 70, Lanntonio is still without good internet, Nevik is still fruitlessly grinding for a Ring of Royal Grandeur, and Jen got her barbarian to 70!

In this episode:

* We read, and respond to, a mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch came to us from Torrack, Rockdale, Hawgeye, and Graciel! Thank you for the amazing amount of emails! Keep them coming, really!

* We received a mountain of tweets from @Torrack1714 *cough*, @Foqbupog, @Paidtokill5440, @diabloplayer68, @HomeTownHero008, @Rilandune, @Hawgeye_CTR, @ig_nateward, @Kagerai_Leblue, @scanline75, @Cybrwolf0, @JCMonkeyD3, @JeremyTStevens, @grindexp, @Chaos5061, and @wowjason62606. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* OOPS! A certain somebody forgot to post a Question of the Show on twitter. Complete #NevikFail. Fret not! Question of the Show will be back next episode! Be sure to follow our show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.

* We finally have the Patch 2.1 PTR up and running! Have you checked it out? We didn’t end up talking too much about the changes coming in 2.1, but if your ears are itching for some in-depth 2.1 discussion rumor has it that a community round table will be coming up Soon.

* During our month hiatus E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) happened and Blizzard announced some exclusive content coming in the Playstion (3/4) versions of the Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition. Time to pick up a PS4! (*cough*Destiny*cough*)

* Prior to recording the show some huge news was dropped on us, Rob Pardo is leaving Blizzard. Where is he going? What affect will it have on the future development of Diablo III? We don’t have the answers, but we give our opinions on the matter and wish Rob Pardo all the best!

Links for you to Visit:

* It’s happened folks. Well … not just yet on the live servers, but /dance is coming in Patch 2.1! #GetHype

* Xanth published an article, Greater Rifts = Greater Deaths, over at Diablo.IncGamers examining how death is coming back to the hardcore scene thanks to the inclusion of greater rifts coming in 2.1.

* It was only a matter of time before cosplaying as community managers was a thing. Errr, well Nevalistis is a death maiden IRL, so it counts right? Anyhoo check out Ibelinn’s amazing death maiden cosplay!

* Over the period of 30 days, 150 players accumulated over 10k legendaries and the results were tracked and shared with a video infographic. Some interesting details came out of this large sampling of RNG.

* Diablo plushies anyone? WE WANT SO BAD!!! Alix, if there’s any chance of these becoming mass produced … PLEASE!

* As if there weren’t already a ton of AMAZEBALLS creative works coming out of the Diablo community Samo Kramberger shared his stunning Skeleton King statue. The amount of detail is sick!

* We teased that in this episode we would be sharing tips and tricks on getting in to Torment, unfortunately we had to push that off until next show. Sorry folks. There was just a lot to talk about with a month’s worth of tweets and emails. Next show, we promise*!  * not actually a binding contract ^^;

Song of the Show:

Sadly no Song of the Show for this episode. I know, I know. It’s been a month. You would think we would have had plenty of time to locate a suitable specimen to share with you. WELP. It didn’t happen folks. This segment will be back next episode with another lyrical masterpiece from a certain forum warrior.

Buuuut we don’t want to leave you completely empty-handed, so here you go. You can thank Jaetch for this.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to [email protected].

Show Links:

Email the showNevikJen, or Breja
Twitters: ShowNevikJenLanntonio and Breja
Check out the show’s Facebook fan page

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