Show notes originally posted by Nevik Guess what folks, our recent ventures into the hardcore realm of play have not been in

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

Guess what folks, our recent ventures into the hardcore realm of play have not been in vain. Lanntonio has brought the crew – which isn’t a set crew, anyone and everyone is invited to join in on these hardcore gaming nights – together to share their experiences in progressing through hardcore.

This second episode of Dead and Waiting is more of a (hardcore) community round table and was rather light on the in-game banter as previously since many folks couldn’t resist the urge to keep playing, and play they did. How far did everyone get? And did anyone die? (Spoiler: someone did!)

You’ll just have to listen to find out!

If you would like to join in on the fun – and we hope you do! – Lanntonio is running these hardcore gaming nights generally every Tuesday night around 6pm Pacific / 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern. All you need to do to join in is have Mumble installed and setup and hop on our mumble server (details can be found in the sidebar).