During the second festival half of Israel’s church year, the returnees from exile gather in Jerusalem. Led by the faithful priest Jeshua and the faithful layman Zerubbabel, they begin the temple’s reconstruction with the altar, for the sake of beginning anew the sacrifices by which the LORD distributed His forgiveness. The following year, work on the temple began by laying the foundation. Even though this was only the beginning of the work, the dedication of the foundation was a cause of great joy for God’s people, even as some wept remembering what had been lost in the destruction of the first temple.

Rev. Jeremy Swem, pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, MI, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Ezra 3:1-13.

"God Brings His People Home” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. After 70 years in exile, the LORD began to fulfill His promise to bring His people back to the Promised Land. In the years that followed, faithful clergy and dedicated laity worked together to rebuild Jerusalem physically and restore the people of God spiritually. Through it all, God was at work to keep His promise of bringing the Savior into the world in the fullness of time.

During the second festival half of Israel’s church year, the returnees from exile gather in Jerusalem. Led by the faithful priest Jeshua and the faithful layman Zerubbabel, they begin the temple’s reconstruction with the altar, for the sake of beginning anew the sacrifices by which the LORD distributed His forgiveness. The following year, work on the temple began by laying the foundation. Even though this was only the beginning of the work, the dedication of the foundation was a cause of great joy for God’s people, even as some wept remembering what had been lost in the destruction of the first temple.

Rev. Jeremy Swem, pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, MI, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Ezra 3:1-13.

"God Brings His People Home” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. After 70 years in exile, the LORD began to fulfill His promise to bring His people back to the Promised Land. In the years that followed, faithful clergy and dedicated laity worked together to rebuild Jerusalem physically and restore the people of God spiritually. Through it all, God was at work to keep His promise of bringing the Savior into the world in the fullness of time.