In response to Haman’s wicked plot, Mordecai and the people of God throughout Persia mourn and repent, as seen in their outward appearance and actions. Esther, unaware of the plot, attempts to clothe Mordecai properly, but he refuses. As they converse via messengers, Mordecai makes Esther aware of what Haman has decreed against the people of God and warns her that she will not escape in the palace. Instead, he suggests to her that her position in the palace may have come about for the very purpose of being the means by which God brings deliverance for His people. Although Esther and Mordecai do not know this for a fact, they trust that God will be at work and seek to respond to their current situation faithfully. Therefore, Esther promises to go before the king, even if it means her death. 

Rev. Tim Sandeno, pastor emeritus, residing in Rochester, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Esther 4:1-17. 

"For Such a Time As This” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Esther. Although God is never explicitly named in the book of Esther, He remains the One who directs all the events of the book. Happenings that seem coincidence, chance, or luck are truly God at work. He puts Mordecai and Esther in the right places and moments to work through them to deliver His people.  

In response to Haman’s wicked plot, Mordecai and the people of God throughout Persia mourn and repent, as seen in their outward appearance and actions. Esther, unaware of the plot, attempts to clothe Mordecai properly, but he refuses. As they converse via messengers, Mordecai makes Esther aware of what Haman has decreed against the people of God and warns her that she will not escape in the palace. Instead, he suggests to her that her position in the palace may have come about for the very purpose of being the means by which God brings deliverance for His people. Although Esther and Mordecai do not know this for a fact, they trust that God will be at work and seek to respond to their current situation faithfully. Therefore, Esther promises to go before the king, even if it means her death.

Rev. Tim Sandeno, pastor emeritus, residing in Rochester, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Esther 4:1-17.

"For Such a Time As This” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Esther. Although God is never explicitly named in the book of Esther, He remains the One who directs all the events of the book. Happenings that seem coincidence, chance, or luck are truly God at work. He puts Mordecai and Esther in the right places and moments to work through them to deliver His people.