The heavenly messenger relates the vision to Daniel. He briefly describes the reign of the kings of Persia, which will be brought to an end by the kingdom of Greece. Yet Alexander’s rule would be quickly broken and divided among four smaller kingdoms. The heavenly messenger focuses Daniel, especially on two of these kings—those of the south (Egypt) and those of the north (Syria). These kings will form alliances and break them during the years to come, until one king of the north will arise and set himself against the people of God and the true worship of God. In history, Antiochus Epiphanes IV does this, but as the heavenly messenger relates this to Daniel, He also describes what the antichrist will do in the days leading up to the Last Day.

Rev. Tom Eckstein, pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, ND, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Daniel 11:2-45.

"God’s Kingdom Endures Forever” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Daniel. Although God’s people were exiled in Babylon, the LORD remained the true King. He strengthened His people for faithful confession in the face of idolatry, and through prophetic visions and dreams revealed that He would establish His everlasting Kingdom. This points to Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, who reigns over us and all creation.

The heavenly messenger relates the vision to Daniel. He briefly describes the reign of the kings of Persia, which will be brought to an end by the kingdom of Greece. Yet Alexander’s rule would be quickly broken and divided among four smaller kingdoms. The heavenly messenger focuses Daniel, especially on two of these kings—those of the south (Egypt) and those of the north (Syria). These kings will form alliances and break them during the years to come, until one king of the north will arise and set himself against the people of God and the true worship of God. In history, Antiochus Epiphanes IV does this, but as the heavenly messenger relates this to Daniel, He also describes what the antichrist will do in the days leading up to the Last Day.

Rev. Tom Eckstein, pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, ND, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Daniel 11:2-45.

"God’s Kingdom Endures Forever” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Daniel. Although God’s people were exiled in Babylon, the LORD remained the true King. He strengthened His people for faithful confession in the face of idolatry, and through prophetic visions and dreams revealed that He would establish His everlasting Kingdom. This points to Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, who reigns over us and all creation.