Your Dream Career | 16 November 2010 
What's Your Sign? I Have Your Number!

"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." Dane Rudhyar
Been wondering lately about your job security? We hope you tuned-in for another insightful hour that discussed how those mighty planets above can help us better understand the paths our careers are ultimately meant to take. Gifted astrologer Debra Clement lent her accurate perspective to this topic that all humans have to make a choice about in their lives.
About Debra Clement:Debra Clement, J.D., is an internationally known astrologer with more than 20 years of professional experience counseling clients from all walks of life. She is well recognized for the accuracy of her predictive work, as well as for her expertise in relationship and vocational astrology.
Throughout the years, Debra has credited this science-based art as the anchor that sustained her through some very difficult times. She discovered her passion for astrology after reading Linda Goodman’s groundbreaking book, Sun Signs, when she was 16 years old. She is a self-taught astrologer who attributes her talent and success in this profession to a horoscope that strongly indicates a gift for astrology.
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