About Think Fast

Think Fast is a mini-episode featuring 10 rapid-fire questions.

Think Fast Questions

What is your favorite podcast?

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

Bring one fictional character to life.

Jack Ryan

What qualities do you think makes a great leader?


What is the most important skill of the future?


What will destroy humanity?


What will save humanity?


What negative experience in your life are you most happy that happened to you?


What is one thing everyone listening to this episode should go and do today?

Something they've been wanting to do. Something they've been interested in that they haven't made the time for.

The Infinity Gauntlet gives the holder the ability to snap their fingers and make anything their mind can imagine into reality. Here's the catch though: it generally costs the wearer who snaps their fingers their lives. I have this gauntlet, and I'm offering it to you. What would you want to happen?

Fear is eliminated from the human heart.

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Mark J. Silverman Website

Only 10s 2.0: Confront Your To-Do List and Transform Your Life

Unconventional Wisdom: Stories Beyond The Mind To Awaken The Heart





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