About Jenna Harrison

Jenna Harrison is a top-ranked business coach and reformed over-analyzer turned Queen of Clarity. Before becoming a serial entrepreneur she oversaw brand communication and copy for over 33 brands at a top fashion company. When not wearing her coach hat, you’ll find her satisfying her wanderlust, playing tug of war with her puppy or chasing after her 5-year-old son.

What is the dent you wish to make in the world?

The world would be a much, much brighter and better place when more women are empowered to live their Uncommon Way and create really unique lives of their choosing.

Something you should read…

The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources by Lynne Twist

Something you should listen to…

Into the Unknown – Idina Menzel

Something you should watch…

George Carlin

Something interesting…

Harvard scientists have now understood how cells age, and they’ve been able to rewind the biological age of mice by 57%.

Connect with Jenna

The Uncommon Way Website





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