SHOW NOTES Phil Gerbyshak (pronounced Phil Grr-buh-shack) has written 5 books and over 3000 articles. He began his career in the Navy, delivering email - by hand - for the National Security Agency. He is a former VP of Information Technology who started using social media even before it was called social media.

Phil’s insights have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Daily Globe and Mail, Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Daily, and countless other media outlets.

Currently, he trains, coaches and consults businesses on how to leverage sales, social media and technology to make their businesses more profitable. Past and current clients include Morgan Stanley, UBS, Shea Barclay, Ignite DDS, BNP Paribas and a cadre of others.

When Phil Gerbyshak is not working with the latest new social media tools or technology gadgets, he's recording a new podcast episode or reading the latest business book to stay ahead of his competition.


Running time: 53:38

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