Hello all! I mention in the early episodes of the ongoing Ryuutama campaign that I redesigned some handouts and the character sheets for my players. I design, write, and illustrate instruction manuals for my day job and I can’t help but pick at redesigning character sheets for RPGs when I get invested in them. I...

The post Ryuutama Character and Journey Rules Sheet Redesign appeared first on Geekspective.

Hello all! I mention in the early episodes of the ongoing Ryuutama campaign that I redesigned some handouts and the character sheets for my players.

I design, write, and illustrate instruction manuals for my day job and I can’t help but pick at redesigning character sheets for RPGs when I get invested in them. I could go on and on and on about how well-planned and aesthetically pleasing page design can drastically increase accessibility and ease of use in games, BUT! that will be for another time.

For now, you get these: a Ryuutama Character Sheet and the Journey Rules Sheet I made purely out of fun because I love this game so much.

Below there are links for you to download the pdfs. Let me know if you use them! That would be cool to know about Best place to do so would be on twitter @rocketorca or @shapeshiftcast.

The white space in between the XP and LVL is for Character Name, the top left white space is for players to draw their characters, and the little squares on the bottom right of the stat boxes is for when they get a temp die increase for a 10+ Condition.

Thanks for listening!

Ryuutama Journey Rules_rocketorca Redesign

Ryuutama Character Sheet_rocketorca Redesign.

The post Ryuutama Character and Journey Rules Sheet Redesign appeared first on Geekspective.

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