The party made their way to the Scranberry patch unscathed but will they make it out okay? While they harvest the berries, Colleen notices some familiar tracks...

The post 45 – Book of Spring – Scranberry Scramble ft. Kat appeared first on Geekspective.

The party made their way to the Scranberry patch unscathed but will they make it out okay? While they harvest the berries, Colleen notices some familiar tracks…

Thistle is played by Kat. You can find Kat on twitter @kazzbotz. She is the DM on the podcast Dames & Dragons. Thanks for playing Kat!

You can find Amber on twitter @shapeshiftcast or @rocketorca.

The system being played is Ryuutama by Atsuhiro Okada. You can find more information here:

Push play or download to learn of the eggy blessing.

This episode was edited by Rudy Basso – he can be reached on twitter @rudybasso for all your podcast needs.

The post 45 – Book of Spring – Scranberry Scramble ft. Kat appeared first on Geekspective.

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