Nicole and Jon covered a bunch of ways to improve the communication channels and influence you have over the management of your company including:

The importance of knowing your boss's motivations and goals when pitching them an idea.The importance of knowing your boss's personality to craft a pitch. Why you should invite yourself to meetings where your ideas are being discussed.A story of the most unique tactic Nicole has used to get a C-Level manager's attention.Why you should never just bring your boss a problem without an idea for how to solve it.The importance of trying to never blindside your boss with a problem. Why being self-aware can be a super power when handling a boss. 

It's tough not having complete autonomy. But few people truly do. We all need to get people to see the world as we do and the way it could be to bring new ideas into the world. You'll have a better chance of actually galvanizing support if you have put in the work and bring not just the problem that needs solved, but solutions for how to solve it to management.

Take advantage of the fact that a lot of people like to be editors of ideas, not the ones creating ideas from scratch. Present a version one or a possible path you feel strongly about in these situations and we think you'll see more of your ideas becoming reality. 

Reach out to us with any ideas, questions, or feedback on the podcast!

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