Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TedX speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her a joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

WHERE TO FIND RENEE ONLINE: Website Facebook Join the Entrepreneurial Connections Movement! Instagram EPISODE SUMMARY: If you deliver a good product, you’ll never have to sell a day in your life because people will actually want it. But what if you’re not selling a product but a service? Renee and I chat about sales and how can someone present themselves when you’re not selling something tangible.

“The great salespeople will ask great questions which allows the potential buyer to share what’s important to them.” - Renee Hribar

Renee talks about the trifecta with getting sales without spending money on Facebook ads. She says that it’s email, social media, and the phone call. Spend time where your people are at. Create an email list, connect with them on social, and make that phone call. Sometimes the phone call can feel overwhelming but that human connection of hearing each other’s voice is incredibly powerful. Send people handwritten mail! Renee and I continued our conversation on human connection which is something that can be lost in the internet space. A simple gesture like writing a handwritten thank you note to your potential clients not only makes you stand out but can build on that know, like, and trust factor. You’ve had the potential client call and need to follow up on that sale? How do you that without feeling salesy? Renee says that the key is to expect to follow up with that person before you meet with them for the first time. A great suggestion is to have that potential client to schedule a follow up call before the first call end! One of Renee’s goals is to help women become independent and give them a platform. Now with today’s internet, we now have a global economy and Renee shares her passion with helping women create a career of their dreams right in their own living room! Let’s Connect! See all that Jennifer has to offer at Shamelessly Feminine! Join The Shamelessly Feminine Facebook Group and continue the conversation! Connect more with Jennifer on Facebook and Instagram!