Hi There. Remember us?

We haven't wandered far and would never leave our favorite bitches. We're very happy to finally get episode 24 recorded. We are getting back into the swing of things in more ways than one. In this episode we discuss some of what we've been up to lately. We've been juggling family, work and started some new fun and sexy projects we want to share with you.

We attended the annual Hedonism reunion last week and got naked at Gunnison Beach in NJ for some much needed relaxation and quality time together as a kid free couple. The best part of travel and the lifestyle in general is the amazing people we meet. We saw old and made several new friends at the beack. There was sand and rum and sex so the weekend was a great way to pre-party for Hedo. We talk about our long awaited return home to Hedonism II in Jamaica on October 1st. Less than 30 days!

Follow us on social media bitches. We will be broadcasting live from the resort and helping you get a taste of the best place on earth.

Chris & Michele