Listening, like speaking, is an art form! How do you listen? With an open mind? Or already having prejudged? Or believing that you know what’s coming next?

How do you take in information? Before someone begins to speak, do you prejudge their ability to tell you anything? This prejudgment dials down your ability to hear what’s being presented to you. 

Imagine that before you listen to anyone you do a quick little clearing. Imagine standing there clearing yourself, perhaps it’s smudging yourself or a quick little body scan. Then say to yourself, “Oh, I’m in listening mode now.”

In that place of listening, there’s even more you can do to be receptive. Open your heart to hear what each person has to say to you. Being receptive, you take it all in.

As you’re engaging in conversation with someone take a deep breath. This breath grounds you, it clears you, it expands you, and allows you to be inspired. Just this one thing brings you consciously available to listen to another person.

As your heart area expands, you might notice that the mind begins to disengage. And with a quiet mind another idea, thought and action is exposed. Now you have one more perspective!

How cool is that? Open hearted, broad minded, fully alive and engaged.

When you are ready to make a change and live life with more joy, peace and freedom, click here:

Bliss, ShamanWeaver Shiela Baker
[email protected]
425 750 0510

Books Referenced