Instagram: thewayshamanism
Email: hello@thewayshamanism

* The purpose of this podcast is to inform and not to diagnose, prevent or treat disease

The Shamanic Academy is open! Since the beginning of my Shamanic practice, I have received many requests to teach Shamanic Journeying and other shamanic practices. I have also identified different categories of issues that the majority of my clients face: from finding purpose and activating your own gifts, to nutrition and abundance. The Shamanic Academy is where I will be able to step into a deeper level of service and invite you into the world of Shamanic healing.

In a 12-week Shamanic Initiation, you will:⠀

Practice Shamanic Journeying, safely and ethically
Step into The Way of the ancient Essenes
Apply ancient Shamanic practices to connect with Source
Purify your nervous system
Integrate Shamanic practices to awaken your shamanic sight
Be part of a Shamanic soul family and enjoy a community of likeminded seekers
Call in Spirit Guides and totem animals Discover and activate your innate gifts and live your fullest potential
Learn how to transfer and transmit energy in a Shamanic Journey
 Know how to align with your Higher Self  

I am so excited to finally share this with you. I hope to welcome you to the Shamanic Academy and share a life-changing experience with you. 

For more information, go to ⁣https://www.shamanjessica.com/shamanic-academy⠀⠀⠀⠀