Instagram: thewayshamanism
Email: hello@thewayshamanism

* The purpose of this podcast is to inform and not to diagnose, prevent or treat disease

Your relationship with money says a lot about your relationship with yourself. Money is just energy, infinite abundance. In this episode, I share about my own relationship with money and abundance, and how I heal this within my clients and apprentices. ⠀

Trauma will often cause you to hold unconscious beliefs about your self-worth and cause you to want to avoid success. This is because success triggers unhealed trauma. Trauma will keep you from your abundance and from investing in yourself. This episode explains how healing your trauma through shamanism will help you uplevel in every way, including your finances.⠀

I receive a lot of questions about how to heal your relationship with money. In this episode, I explain the difference between aligned spending versus unaligned spending, and how to be in the energy of abundance. I explain why investing in your own healing expands your energetic abundance-blueprint and how this then becomes your new bottom line.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀