Hey Sistas!


Today is a COMMUNITY EPISODE!!! Which means you'll hear from all three the co-hosts on one topic AND meet some fellow Sistas who love the podcast. This week my first book, "Shalom Sistas" released and so for the fall season of the podcast, we're going to be going through the Shalom Sistas Manifesto. In this episode, we talk about the first four:


We are Invited

We are Beloved

We are Enough

We will see the Beauty

With Cara: We talk about Belovedness, a messy but welcoming home, and her new role on the podcast. ALL WHILE HOMEGIRL is SICK!  She's getting better now, but y'all her dedication to the podcast is so appreciated!


With Jerusalem: We talk about her wedding, body image, beauty, and savoring everything without shame.  And Ikea. Always Ikea with that one. 


With Abby: We talk about her Hurricane Harvey peacemaking fail then success, how Jared her husband is a saint (BTW I think all of our husband are saints because it's not easy being married to a Shalom Sista), and how we can find our identity a part from our output.


Every conversation was special and I hope you enjoy the episode.

Don't forget to leave a review on iTunes so that other peacemakers can find this podcast.


XOXO and Shalom,



A few of the links mentioned in the episode:

O Magazine

Making Oprah

Cara’s Website

Jerusalem’s Website

Abby’s Website

Shalom Sistas Hangout

Nourish Yourself

Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

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