Previous Episode: 29 - Triple George

This weeks episode is all about people not following social norms and how they make everyone they come in contact with uncomfortable. You’re over the age of 21 and sober mouth kissing your date in the middle of a restaurant? No, no, no. That’s not ok. Know what else isn’t ok? Writing a Facebook post for your 17 friends to see in an attempt to  draw attention to yourself for something incredibly unimportant. Let us help you out, no one cares. We spill some tea on our favorite real housewives characters and touch on why Canadian pronunciations are the worst and the best thing ever. Time stamps below for sidebar nation!

Shower Beer

1:56-14:06 - Who’s older?

Pregame Pet Peeves

14:03 - Real Housewives Gossip 21:45 - Longest week ever 26:55 - Regina, Canada 30:40 - Open mouth kissing in public 38:44 - Unimportant Facebook posts