This week we’re here to spill all the tea and fill you in on America’s biggest secret, which is, ‘Charleston really isn’t all that great’. That being said, we’re totally going to plan a trip there to gawk at all the human garbage. Don’t worry though if you’re a Charleston fan, we have other pet peeves for you this ep! Things like, If your actual birthday was a bit of a dud that made you feel ‘old’ and lame, we’ve got you covered. If you purchased a puppy and had forgotten how much of a pain in the ass it is to potty train, we’ve got you covered. Oh, AND, if you have had a long suffering battle with Resting B*tch face, we definitely have you covered. Timestamps below for sidebar nation!

Shower Beer

5:26 - Guess that phrase

Pregame Pet Peeves

14:02 - No pictures together 19:13 - No birthday love 24:04 - Cars getting broken in to 29:58 - Destroying your vagina 34:11 - Charleston trash bar 47:16 - Evolution of the RBF