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Anya and Alan discuss the adaptation of Laura Moon in the first season of American Gods. We look at her white privilege, the intentions of the show-runners, and how she measures up to the character in the novel.

How American Gods Breathed New Life Into the Late Laura Moon by Kristy Puchko for

Laura Moon is American Gods' Cautionary Tale of American Apathy by Alicia Lutes for

Emily Steers is a media critic.

American Gods has made Laura Moon one of its most compelling characters by Esther Zuckerman for the AV Club

American Gods' Laura Moon is Awful and that's a Good Thing by Lacy Baugher for The Mary Sue

Why We Still Hate Laura Moon by Jonita Davis for

Rebbeca Theodore is a freelance media critic for Entertainment Weekly, Forbes, NYTimes, Roger Ebert, and The Urban Daily.

American Gods gives us a Tale of White Female Privilage by Jonita Davis for

Hallowed Ground StoryCast will be a once-a-month show about our appreciation and love for the power of story. You can subscribe to our Episode 0 right now, so you’ll be ready for our first episode about Buffy the Vampire Slayer that’s going to drop on Sept 1st. Fallow the show on Twitter @HGStoryCast.

Our Theme song is "Unstoppable Force" by FortyTwoMusic with other musical contributions by Rich Holmes.

Follow us on Twitter @ShadowShambler and Anya @StrangelyLiterl

Shadows and Shamblers is a production of Hallowed Ground Media and is released under a Creative Commons NonCommercial Sharealike License.

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