- 'Opus Vitae' by The Cemetary Girlz (Opus Vitae)
- 'Sing Like Sirens' by Lycia (Wake)
- 'Suffer The Wild Dogs' by Autumn (The Hating Tree)
- 'Les Sylphes (RTW Version)' by Judith (Föhn)
- 'The Innocents' by Chants Of Maldoror (Thy Hurting Heaven)
- 'She Walks' by Simon Dreams In Violet (Lost In Time)
- 'The Whip' by Carcrash International (The Whip comp.)
- 'Wait' by Salome's Dance (Demo)
- 'Blood On The Bats' by Tot Licht (Blood On The Bats)
- 'Cut The Flesh Wires!' by Violet Stigmata (Décompositions & Reliques)
- 'Gods Take Dust' by Suspiria (The Great & Secret Show)
- 'Whatever Makes You Happy' by Girls Under Glass (Zyklus)
- 'Isolation' by Venus Walk (Side Effect)
- 'Clip The Wings' by Alien Faktor (There Is No Time)