* It’s illegal. There is a constitutional right to worship. Even more so there is a right to equality to all citizens. 

* It’s immoral and criminal. To call for genocide. This is not free speech. This is hate speech

* This is pure propaganda

* Demonizing the enemy has a long history

* Spaniards called aztecs cannibals and vice versa, but white people got to write the history books

* Yellow peril

* Nazis called jews vermin

* Hutus in rwanda called tutsis cockroaches, and then genocide them

* N s rajarams’s comment on how caldwell, naicker etc were attempting the same in tamil nadu

* History of the justice party, dmk etc is shameful: basically arms of conversion, not anti-religion, only anti-hindu

* Anti-hindu memes in the west: california bill, equality labs, audrey truschke, against vivek ramaswamy

* Progressively from hindutva to hinduism to sanatana dharma. escalation

* INDIAlliance has shown itself to be purely anti-hindu

* But questions for BJP too: why are hindu temples still managed by the state? Anand ranganathan maintains that hindus are not even second-class, they are eighth class, with far fewer rights than others. 

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