UNITED STATES SENATOR MICHAEL D. BROWN (D-DC) has been involved in six Democratic presidential campaigns. A former DNC staffer, Senator Brown participated in the past 12 consecutive Democratic National Conventions — including being a Barack Obama super-delegate in 2008 and 2012, a Hillary Clinton super-delegate in 2016, as well as a Joe Biden super-delegate in 2020.

Bio of Senator Brown

Appointed by two Republican presidents, MARÍLIA DUFFLES, a Republican turned Independent, brings a wealth of experience and a different perspective to SHADOW POLITICS. Marília offers the show a new and important fresh take.

Bio of Marília Duffles


The news about a memorandum leaked from the Supreme Court has rocked the electorate in America this week. Marília and I will discuss this leak, the future of Roe v. Wade and how this will specifically affect women in the District of Columbia with PPMW CEO Dr. Laura Meyers.

Is the Supreme Court about to strike down Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for more than 49 years? Will this supreme judicial activism end with the rollback of women's reproductive rights or is there more to come?

Tune in for this important interview. Be part of the conversation by calling into the *LIVE* show with your comments and questions at (888) 627-6008.