Katherine Powers, what are you doing to us? First "Emancipation", then "Thor's Hammer", and now this? Are you trying to tell us something or were you cleaning up someone else's messes?

Silvana and Tegan summarize and review Season 1, Episode 8 "Brief Candle". 

In short, Jack is date raped by a 30 day old.

Yes, that is the plot. 

How does this culture survive when every only lives one hundred days? 

What are space crabs?

Will divorce skyrocket when these Mycenaeans live a normal life span?

Episode Links:

1. Ladyknightthebrave Stargate retrospective

2. Gate World interview with Vaitiare Hirshon (Sha're)

3. Pop Culture Detective, Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

4. Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden, ND

5. Behind the Bastards podcast, Rush Limbaugh

6. Pop Culture Detective, Born Sexy Yesterday