Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 19 "New Ground". The Bedrosians and Optricans are at war over their origin story, and SG-1 ends up in the middle of it. 

Like in the "Bane" episode, Teal'c's make-up is a little off, and this is an episode that provides an example of how the lack of diversity in the TV and make-up industry can impact the quality of the end product. A lot of the technical details are not great, and parts of this Stargate SG-1 episode drag. 

Also like in "Bane", Teal'c is seriously injured. In this episode he is blind and spends a great deal of time in a cave. 

The new characters on this planet are having their religion questioned by the very existence of SG-1 and the Stargate. Where are the tortured souls who are discovering their religion is based on a lie?!

You should really explain how Zats work when you give them to people! I don't need to know all the details about these goddamn eye treatments but give me one blessed line saying "the second shot kills!"

A character is introduced to the SG-C but Tegan and Silvana don't recall seeing him again. Where in the world is Nyan? 

Why didn't Tegan and Silvana enjoy The Crown or House of Dragon?

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