Morally Grey Characters is an author panel from TBRCon2022 featuring Joe Abercrombie, Richard K. Morgan, Luke Arnold, Stephen Aryan and Jeremy Szal. Moderated by FanFiAddict and TBRCon founder David Walters. 

For more information on TBRCon2022, head over to You can also stream the convention live from Jan. 23-30 on the FanFiAddict YouTube channel, Twitter account or Facebook page.

About the Panelists:

David Walters is the founder of and TBRCon, as well as host of Authors on a Podcast Talking Books. 

Find David on Twitter or FanFiAddict

Joe Abercrombie is the bestselling author the First Law Trilogy, The Age of Madness trilogy and the Shattered Sea trilogy for young adults. 

Find Joe on Twitter or his personal website

Richard K. Morgan is the acclaimed author of Thin Air, The Dark Defiles, The Cold Commands, The Steel Remains, Black Man (published as Thirteen in the U.S.), Woken Furies, Market Forces, Broken Angels, and Altered Carbon, a New York Times Notable Book that won the Philip K. Dick Award in 2003. 

Find Richard on his personal website

Luke Arnold is an actor ad director, as well as the author of The Fetch Phillips Archives, including The Last Smile in Sunder City and Dead Man in a Ditch. 

Find Luke on Twitter or his personal website

Stephen Aryan is the award-winning fantasy author of the Age of Darkness and Age of Dread trilogies, as well as the new Quest for Heroes duology. 

Find Stephen on Twitter, his personal website or his YouTube channel

Jeremy Szal is the author of Stormblood and Blindspace, books one and two in The Common series. 

Find Jeremy on Twitter or his personal website

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