In which Rachel fills you in on all of the SFT-related goodness since last month, including stories and novels out in February and March (February 14 – March 15), what Rachel’s currently reading and translating, and more. While February offered us slim-pickins, March gives us some great reads to look forward to, including Japanese biohorror from Haikasoru and Catalan science fiction from Wesleyan University Press. And with new stories and books coming to our attention each week, check the SFT website for updates. Enjoy, and keep reading! A bientôt! Show notes: SFT out in February SFT out in March Rachel’s review of Torishima’s Sisyphean Kure Kamo’s guest review of Miyabe’s Crossfire General Links: Speculative Fiction in Translation website Speculative Fiction in Translation facebook page SFT on twitter: @Rcordas Feel free to shoot us a message on our contact page. Our new intro and outro music comes “Dimension” by Creo (CC BY 4.0), which has been slightly modified to include sound effects and for length purposes.