If you’re a coach that needs to get ACTIVATED into your next level of business, wealth, and leadership... this series is going to rock your soul.


Join me and my biz bestie, Chiara Mazzucco, to jam on the three pillars of our new mastermind experience: ACTIVATE.


In this first episode, we’re jamming on how to set up a business to support your LIFESTYLE. It’s time to throw out cookie-cutter models, low-tier offers, and doing random tasks all day long.


Tune in for the mindset shifts that you MUST make to get into that big-picture business vision you’ve been dreaming about.


If you’re READY for the 3-month mastermind experience and joining us in San Diego October 13th to make a quantum leap in your business, hit either myself or Chiara up on social media or shoot us an email and we’ll shoot you an application.



IG: @catypasternak

FB: @catypasternakcoach

EMAIL [email protected]



IG: @boldself

FB: @yourboldself

EMAIL [email protected]


It’s game time.