This is your relationship on Burning Man: You've barely slept or eaten in 6 days and dehydrated not just because this is the desert but also the water in your camelback tastes like warm plastic dust. You were distracted by a glimpse of your old boss on a bike wearing nothing but a backpack and sneakers, so a luminescent green dragon just drove away with your sweetie and 17 gorgeous half-naked strangers. Do you have a "just in case we get lost" plan with your partner? What if the temple is going to burn in 10 minutes and one of you isn't ready? You're probably not going to "just find each other" out there and there are no cell phones or street signs. It's 50,000 people in the pitch black night. Nothing goes as planned on the playa especially sex and relationships. Burning Man isn't "one giant orgy," but there are a few(!) - plus workshops on female ejaculation, bondage, polyamory, "hands on" sex classes, and even the "Great Canadian Beaver-Eating Contest" in which everything is consensual and no beavers are harmed. Join Sexploration with Monika in the moonlight at Fugue, a camp-out in Northern California as we talk with Epiphany Jordan about sex at Burning Man, building a temple to the goddess in Texas (The Blue Star Temple), the benefits of tantra, what a brothel for women might look like, and how to build sexual energy into your real estate.