Thanks to medical research and breakthroughs, we now have the tools to end the HIV epidemic. Unfortunately, we’re still a long way off on account of stigma, misinformation and a lack of awareness with regard to prevention options. So it’s essential that we talk about it.

Brad McElya, joins us to take a deeper dive into the topic of HIV and answers your questions including:

How have approaches to HIV shifted since the 80s?
Is HIV transmission possible if you have an undetectable viral load?
What is PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and how does it work to prevent transmission?
Who should consider PrEP?
Why is HIV still an epidemic when we have the tools to eradicate it?
How do we chip away at the stigma that hinders testing, prevention and treatment?
How can we normalize conversations about HIV and how can your local pharmacist help?

We also discuss the new ArcWave Ion and Brandon provides a very personal and detailed review of his first time using this stroker + pleasure-air technology. You don’t want to miss it!

Brad is Walgreens' Director of Specialty Health Solutions. Walgreens pharmacists receive specialized training in confidential and compassionate HIV care. Learn more at or visit your local Walgreens and request a consult in a private room. And you can chat online 24/7 with a pharmacist here.

Please see here for a rough version of this transcript.




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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

What You Dont Know About HIV

00:00:05 - 00:05:11

You're listening to the sacs with dr jess podcast sacks and relationship advice you can use tonight Welcome to the sex with dr. Just podcast i'm your co host brandon. Wear here with my lovely other. Half dr jess how are you. I'm good. i'm so happy to have you back. Because i was on on my own last week and i promised everyone that brand would be back. And that i'd hand you the reins to talk about touching yourself. Well i'm glad and i was also wondering. Where was i last week when i was busy with work and i am sorry that i missed it. I love these podcasts. I love learning and listening and asking questions. I know i know well today. I'm going to be handing you the reins To talk about your with the arc wave but we're also going to be talking about the hiv epidemic and how it can be a radical added. We have the tools to eradicate it. And i was thinking about. You know when we look back to the eighties there was so much fear around hiv aids and so much misinformation. That was fueled by but also reinforcing of you know homophobia and racism and hiv. I remember when i studied social movements in school Hiv was such an important piece of you know so many social uprisings at the time and we had groups like aids action now and i remember studying it and then now it seems as though it's just kind of taken a backseat in part. Because the fear isn't as strong which is a good thing. We now know that you know an hiv diagnosis is not a death sentence which we saw it as back. Then we knew. And we know that you can live a long healthy high-quality life being hiv positive. Especially if you have access to resources like medications and we know that quality of life is really now the focus of hiv care but we also know that like all medical care.