Emmy-award winning, Jeannie Mai, host of The Real, joins us to talk about love, relationships, and moving on via forgiveness. She is newly-engaged (to Jeezy), full of energy, good vibes and insights on:

What it's like to live your life and share your love with millions of fans.
How to build a happily-ever-after relationship.
How to forgive family, friends and partner after heartache and trauma.
The importance of creating a shared vision as a couple.
Her personal formula for self-love.
How her upbringing affects her relationships.
How to better manage arguments and deal with triggers.

Follow Jeannie on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. Also, be sure to check out her Youtube series, Hello Hunnay and podcast, Listen Hunnay!

This podcast is brought to you by Femtasy. 




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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

Jeannie Mai On Forgiveness & Living Happily Ever After

00:00:05 - 00:05:02

You're listening to the sacs with Dr Jess, podcast sacks, and relationship advice you can use tonight. Welcome to the sex with Dr Just podcast. I'm your co host Brandon. Wear here with my lovely other have Dr Jess Hey. Hey. How's it going? Good Gin on digging the sound of Your Voice because I'm an audio person and folks who know my co Author Marlene? Stewart she talks about the fact that. You are learning style whether you're more of a visual learner or an audio learner or a kinesthetic learner affects your sexual and seduction style, and so people who learn better by listening and through words and through reading tend to be really Dronne to sounds and voices the pitch, the tone, the volume, the speed at which you speak and I'm I'm such an audio person I love the sound of your voice first of all. I I find it hot like I'm probably more attracted to people. Based on the way they talk than the way they look. You've always said that you've always said that the sound of someone's voice is the first thing that attracts you to somebody. It really is, and I recognize voices more than faces. I don't know if I've spoken about this here before but I have difficult difficulty recognizing faces so much so that I think I might be able to be diagnosed because I, really really struggle to recognize faces I, remember names I, remember details all even remember the sound of voice but I struggle with faces I've mistaken you for multiple people know I've I've mistaken other people for you in the past. So it's all about the voice for me. And so that makes me excited to bring on our new sponsor FEM to see. So Feminazi is this streaming platform that has short erotic audio stories and they're read by different voice I don't call them actors they read by different people, different themes they get into like setting the scene, but also into the raw sexual acts and yeah, I'm just I'm a fan a new fan of to see was really excited when they called because just voices do everything for me not just sexually but emotionally like even to help me relax the sound of your voice is really what does it and I wonder if it's been enhanced by the fact that for years. We were separated oftentimes because I was overseas for work and you you would talk to me on the phone and so I think that I found a lot of comfort in that but every night your use your voice?

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