Emeka Menakaya joins Jess & Brandon to talk about how his studies in tantra have opened him up to improved relationships all around. He shares his insights on how cis men can be more vulnerable and open with one another and discusses his spiritual, emotional and sexual journey.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

I Love You, Man. Tantra, Emotional Expression & Opening Up

00:00:05 - 00:05:02

You're listening to the sacs with Dr Jess, podcast sacks, and relationship advice you can use tonight. Welcome to the sex with Dr Jasser podcast. I'm your co host Brandon where here with my lovely other half Dr Jess Hey. Hey. How's it going today? I'm good. How are you? I'm alright. I'm having a I'm having a day. I had I had such a great night last night because I saw a baby owl. I mean a tiny little baby our shorter than your fist bigger than my fist. But shorter than your fist, and this is maybe this comes you know I'm a city slicker I get it we live downtown. We give some context here. We don't live anywhere where you normally see our indefinitely not baby. They're so cute. So had this great night last night, but then I also. Made. The mistake of looking at facebook late at night, and of course, you know we tell people to digitally detox every night at the end of the night which I didn't do and a news article came up about A. Who had who passed away two years ago right now This week and he's been on my mind it's weird like I didn't really think about the Dayton it and I don't think I even commemorated the date in any way consciously. But subconsciously he's been on my mind and I brought him up to you a few days ago, and then this article came up that his death is suspicious and they posted pictures of people in the news that they were looking for in in his death and in a an associated robbery with his death. And I couldn't get the pictures out of my head of these people. So I stayed up all night. really couldn't fall asleep I probably did sleep for a couple of hours. So all that being said feeling tired and I feel anxious today and my anxieties been higher I wouldn't say I'm a particular like I wouldn't say I'm particularly anxious person but since some this big shift in in life and in the news and in what's going on in the world, I, felt a lot more anxious and as I feel more anxious I notice i. Feel. More frustrated like soul frustrated. So easily little tiny things that I would never. Ever be set off by are just pushing my buttons and I feel like the idea and frustration being connected, and also you know the stuff that's going on in the world You know obviously Kobe and then all the racist stuff and the awful news that that we're seeing and they just racial injustice being brought to the forefront obviously weighs heavily on me. It's you know this topic that I've been privately talking about with friends for so many years and that's been on my mind to I've been thinking about how this is like dear diary. I've been thinking about how? Over the years I've had all these different discussions and debates and I'd say arguments with friends with white friends about racial justice with about white fragility about white privilege...