Mom airdrops me the grossest dick pic that makes me heave on air. We both attended weddings – I did not get laid. Apparently mom is turned on when people sniff their fingers after sex. I have a rash on my inner thigh contracted from either my recent acro yoga class or my late grandpa's feet full of fungus. Mom says this is no reason not to have sex. I disagree. Scott and Peyton join us to talk about how to speak like normal human beings to people we're interested in.
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Mom airdrops me the grossest dick pic that makes me heave on air. We both attended weddings – I did not get laid. Apparently mom is turned on when people sniff their fingers after sex. I have a rash on my inner thigh contracted from either my recent acro yoga class or my late grandpa's feet full of fungus. Mom says this is no reason not to have sex. I disagree. Scott and Peyton join us to talk about how to speak like normal human beings to people we're interested in.

Join our convo by texting or leaving a voicemail at (YES) TEXT-MOM, or (937)-839-8666. You can also subscribe to our channel on, so you can join us live! Mondays and some Thursdays at 10:30AM PT! We'd love to take your calls and messages in real-time at

Do you love love stories? Get access to a huge library of over 18,000 romance novels by checking out!

Thank you for all the love over the past 200+ episodes. We couldn't do it without you. If you'd like to support the show, consider helping us in the following ways:

1) Make Cam take marijuana blueberries with his mom and record a podcast episode by donating to the show's Patreon page at You will also gain access to an exclusive podcast stream where we release the best bonus episodes with our guests!

2) Leaving us a rating and review on iTunes

3) Snag the new Sex Talk With My Mom t-shirt or sticker from our merch store at You'll look fly as hell!

4) Share this episode with a friend! Word-of-mouth is really the best way to spread the love.

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Sex Talk With My Mom is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts, a podcast collective revolutionizing the conversation around sex.

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