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The Sex, Money, and Food Podcast

101: Embracing ALL of Our Emotions, with Michele PW

Talking about Fear, Love and Positive Emotions with Michele PW

Welcome to this episode of The Sex, Money and Food podcast! If you want to truly experience joy then you must be willing to experience sadness. Do you think this is true?


On this edition of the Sex, Money, and Food Podcast, our guest is Michele PW joins us to talk about feeling ALL of the feelings and why doing so is what ultimately allows us to experience the highest forms of love and joy and peace. You’ll hear Michele share why we don’t need to suppress our fear, anger, sadness or grief and how to actually feel those feelings without acting on them. Listen in for that and more on episode 101 of The Sex, Money and Food podcast!


More About This Show


Michele PW is someone who knows about emotions. She is the best-selling author of the Love-based copywriting books and she produces the podcast, Love-based Money. Her books and her podcast focus on using positive emotions in copywriting and in personal finance, but at the core of her teachings she shows people how to embrace all of their emotions.


Today we began by talking about why people are afraid of feeling fear-based emotions like anger, grief, shame, guilt, anxiety, and worry. In fact Michele says people are so afraid of those emotions that they tamp down ALL their emotions. It’s a cultural thing: we’ve been conditioned to hide our vulnerability and our fears.


Along the way we have forgotten that all of our emotions have an important purpose. They are warning signs for us to pay attention to, like anger which means our boundaries are being pushed. When we feel sadness and grief it means something we loved is over.


Even fear, shame and guilt all have their own purpose; fear shows us that sometimes there is really something to be afraid of in that dark corner we can’t see, shame and guilt are there to help us live in a community and among our tribe. At our core we are tribal beings and want to be with our people.


Our society has become so focused on our intellectual side that we’ve lost touch with the importance of our emotions. And that's why people are so uncomfortable when someone is expressing a fear-based emotion like sadness or grief. If someone is crying people will grab a tissue and tell them it's going to be okay, even if they don't know it's going to be okay.


People do so because the crying is making them uncomfortable. What most of us don’t realize is that the person’s discomfort with grief or sadness then puts pressure on the person experssing their grief or sadness to stop expressing those emotions, to stop feeling and stop crying. So even if someone want to show their sadness, they cannot because other people aren’t okay with it.


Which led me to ask her how we can sit with our own emotions, feel them and be okay with them. Michele had several pieces of advice, the first being to stop and breathe. Rather than posting a rant on social media when you feel triggered, instead just stop and breathe while allowing the emotions to swirl inside of you. Eventually you’ll find they will pass and you will come out the other side.


Michele also recommends following a book called The Presence Process by Michael Brown. It's a ten week program with specific breathing techniques and tools he guides you to use through each of the ten weeks.

On today’s show Michele explains the breathing technique in the book, why it helps us become present and the emotions-related reason why we actively avoid being present in our lives.


We also discuss looking at your shadow, and how to have a relationship with your shadow. She gives specific examples including what our relationship with money says about our shadow and what to do if you are really worried about your finances. You can hear that and so much more on this edition of The Sex, Money and Food podcast with Michele PW!

Michele Answers The Questions


Q: Rank the following in order: Sex, Money, Food?

A: I knew you were going to ask me this so I thought about it! I think I’m going to rank food first because if you don’t eat then the other two things can only sustain you for so long!


Q: There is nothing better in life than…

A: being able to feel everything, even the good and the bad.




Tweetable: “All fear-based emotions have a purpose.” - Michele PW


Episode Resources

Michele PW’s Gift Michele PW’s website Love-based Money podcast Love-based Money book Michele PW on Twitter Fear-based emotions list The Presence Process, by Michael Brown Connect with me on Instagram Sign up for my Five Day Self-love Challenge Follow me on Twitter Subscribe to the Sex Money and Food Podcast on iTunes



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