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The Sex, Money, and Food Podcast


Sexuality, Music, and Entrepreneurship


Welcome to this of The Sex, Money and Food podcast! Have you considered what would shift if your life if you could tap into your sexual energy in every moment of your day? If you haven’t you will be after this episode! Today we’re talking with Calvin Correli about living from our sexual energy in every area of our lives.


Calvin is an artist, entrepreneur, and the CEO of Simplero. He is passionate about helping online business owners do exactly what brings them most alive. He is also a healer and is currently working on bringing all of his talents -- including music, spirituality and personal growth - into an exciting new service for entrepreneurs.


On this edition of the Sex, Money, and Food Podcast, we talk about how Calvin fought against his innate nature for so long, how every act of loving, and supportive sexual intimacy between men and women heals the global collective, and why living from our sexual energy is a natural state for everyone.


More About This Show


Calvin grew up in Denmark and recalls a painful childhood of not being understood nor seen by his dad, and being an emotional caretaker for his mom. His parents also did not have a sexul or intimate relationship, and as a result he grew up with a self-described “messed up” relationship with women.


On this episode of the show we talk about how he worked to heal his intimate relationships, and how he now sees the beauty in a woman with only appreciation for her beauty and not the resentment he had felt in the past or the need to act on his desire for her beauty.


We dig into those topics a little later on but the first thing I asked him to share was how (and why) we can use our sexual energy throughout our day and in every area of our lives.


Calvin has found it is fun and playful to bring sexual energy into every relationship - not in a way that is violating to someone's boundaries but in a way that reflects the reality of our ever-present sexual energy. He explains that by suppressing our natural sexual energy we make it worse; suppression and avoidance doesn't make it better.


In fact, he says violations only happen because we have trauma around our sexuality. If every guy was cool with just feeling sexual desire and energy knowing that it doesn't mean it has to be acted on and that he can just feel the desire then he wouldn’t violate any woman.


He goes on to describe how men and women are different, whether in the workplace or elsewhere. Aside from the obvious physical differences, the masculine energy is more about doing, fixing, and the like, while the feminine energy is about creation, collaboration, sharing, etc.


And he also describes how the purpose of a woman’s orgasm is different from the purpose of a man’s. Women can orgasm in different ways and can access different areas than men can. In fact, sometimes when a woman has a particularly deep and/or intense orgasm she cries. Those tears are allowing her to open up deeper and deeper layers of her own femininity and the collective feminine.


Calvin says the relationship between the global masculine and feminine has been horrible for so many years, but every time a man and woman get together in an open, loving space it is a tremendous opportunity for collective healing between the masculine and the feminine.


And if we lived from our sexual energy rape, sexual assault and other violations would diminish (if not disappear). He explains why that’s true and how he shifted his own perception of women from caretaking and resentment to one of appreciation.


You’ll also hear why sexual energy is spiritual energy, why we don’t need to abstain from pleasurable experiences like sex and food in order to be spiritual and why he’d outlaw guilt if he could! We dig into those scintillating topics and more on this episode of Sex, Money and Food with Calvin Correli.


Tweetable: “Sex is deeply spiritual, and spirituality is deeply sexual.” -  Calvin Correli

Calvin Answers The Questions


Q: Rank the following in order: Sex, Money, Food?

A: That’s a tough one! Life without food is only so long. You can get along without money. Sex, food, money.


Q: There is nothing better in life than…

A: The first word that pops into my head was love. It feels a little cliche but I guess it’s true!


Q: Your ultimate pleasure in life is?

A:  Sex is definitely up there! But there’s also a deeper feeling like feeling whole and complete and in union with everything, which sex can be a part of that.


Q: What does self worth of minus 1 billion/true anarchy smell like to you?

A:  Rank! Like in a dark, humid, moist basement room that has old stuff in it and hasn’t been aired out for a long time.


Q: What is a mistake or a circumstance did you go through regarding sex, money and food that is has allowed you grow and learn from. Or is there something that you would say...I will never do that again!

A: I feel like I’m still doing all of this. Money was really tough for a long until I realized I was using lack of money to avoid looking inside at what wasn’t working with my work life and what I really wanted to do. I was actually scared of looking at what I really wanted to do because I was afraid I might not like it and it might not be what I wanted it to be. I really wanted to be a different person than it turns out I am - but now I kind of like it!


Episode Resources

Calvin Correli’s website Calvin Correli on Twitter Vagina: A New Biography, by Naomi Wolf There’s Nothing Wrong With You, by Cheri Huber The Red Paper Clip story Connect with me on Instagram Sign up for my Five Day Self-love Challenge Subscribe to the Sex Money and Food Podcast on iTunes

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