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The Sex, Money, and Food Podcast


Health, nutrition and finding pleasure with Alexandra Harbushka


Welcome to this of The Sex, Money and Food podcast! I’m back with another solo show, some one on one time for us to talk about food, diet and nourishing yourself from the inside out.


On this episode of the Sex, Money, and Food Podcast, I’ll be sharing some of my personal stories including the words I’m living by in 2017, how changing our words changes our perceptions and experiences, and why I gave up dairy a few years ago.


More About This Show


Recently I went to a wellness event and we were asked to pick three words to define how we want to go about our 2017. I picked love, excitement, and pleasure. Now

everything that I do or experience in 2017, I ask myself do I love it? Does it excite me? And does it bring me pleasure? I also picked a fourth word, courage, because I am going to bring courage to everything I do this year!


Those words are the keys to how I’m living my 2017, and I wanted to share them with you in case you are inspired to choose words by which to live your year too.


There’s another topic I focused on for this show and that is nourishing yourself from the inside out. Keeping with the word theme, some of the words that come to me when I think of nourishment or nourishing are beautiful, healthy, fueled, encouraged, loved, and fully embodied with life.


What do you think of when you hear nourished? What do you think of when you hear food? Do you think diet, gluttony, salty, savory, etc.? Or is there something that comes to mind when I say food? My first thought is of a big salad with red leaf lettuce and tomatoes and cucumbers.


The words you think of could be positive or you could think of food as your enemy, consider your response and the words you use to think about nourishment and food.


And what about the word healthy, what do you think about when you hear it? Do you think you’ll never be healthy because of this or that. Or do you think of healthy as someone who goes to the gym all the time, something you could never do.


Or do you think of healthy as being yummy, nourishing, eating healthy granola bars, walking on the beach and smelling the fresh air? What comes to mind you think of healthy?


And lastly what do you think of when you hear the word diet? Personally, I think of prisoners and imprisonment, of not being good enough, of not eating enough, of not being kind to my body or forcing my body into being something it is not.


I chose to talk about this on today’s show because there is a lot that goes into food and nourishing our bodies, and nourishing ourselves from the inside out. And I wanted to talk about nourishment in case it’s a new way of thinking for you about your body and about food.


Also on this episode, I share my story about adult acne and how giving up dairy finally cleared it up. I also give my tips for keeping costs down when buying healthy food (doing things like buying bulk and buying in season). You’ll hear that and more on this edition of today’s Sex, Money and Food Podcast!

Tweetable: “It’s a science project every time you take a bite.” - Alexandra Harbushka

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