Our latest installment of 'Sex, Likes and Social Media' podcast explores how young people can use activism to call out street harassment and channel peer pressure into moral rebellion, affecting real change. Jessica Hawley, The RAP Project's Head of Training & Director of Primary Development, and Evie Chiles, RAP blogger and Intern, speak to two activists who are dedicated to end Street Harassment: Maya Tutton, co-founder of 'Our Streets Now' and Dr Dan Guiness, Managing Director of 'Beyond Equality'. Maya and her sister Gemma channelled an initial conversation on how uncomfortable it is to field sexist comments when walking home at night into a nationwide movement against street harassment. Meanwhile, Dan and his team deliver workshops to men and boys about gender equality, inclusive communities, and healthier relationships. We then speak to the brilliant Amherst College academic and author Dr. Catherine Anderson, whose latest book is called ""Why We Act: Turning Bystanders into Moral Rebels," which examines how people can harness moral rebellion to implement changes in behaviour. RAP believes young people today are the foot soldiers who can fundamentally reduce peer on peer sexual assault and harassment, and gender stereotypes. Listen to see how!